children’s home rules
1. I will at all times be respectful to my parents and grandparents, and I will strive for a good relationship with my brothers and sisters.
2. I will greet my parents with entering the house and say goodbye when leaving.
3. I will communicate with my parents/grandparents.
4. I will help with household chores and be responsible for the upkeep and neatness of my room.
5. I will practice daily cleanliness of my hair, teeth and body.
6. I will show respect and not interrupt adult conversations and abide by my parents decisions.
7. I will show respect for all adults when in public and be patient at all times.
8. I will respect my teacher and fellow students in school.
9. I will study hard and take pride in my school work.
10. I will never lie and always be truthful and sincere.
11. I will strive to motivate myself and others by working hard and being a good example.
12. I will be active in mind, body and spirit.
13. I will always finish what I started.
14. I will remember that the earth is our home and be careful not to be wasteful.
15. I will set goals for home, school and at the dojo.